
The preferences are available from the Tools menu on Windows/Linux, or the Anki menu on a Mac.



Change your display language. You can help to improve translations here

User Interface

Dark (night) mode will make Anki's interface dark, and will cause cards to be shown as white text on a black background. Some card templates may need to be modified to work properly with this option enabled - please see night mode styling for more information.

From 2.1.50+ there is an option to switch to day or night mode automatically.

User interface size
If you find that the interface elements are too small for you, you can try to increase this setting.

Reset Windows Sizes
This will reset all windows sizes and locations to the default settings.

Video driver
Anki's libraries need a video driver to draw content on the screen. Due to different hardware and software configurations, the driver that works best on your machine may vary. Software tends to be slower, but will work on some systems where the other options do not.

Note: If you're on Windows, please check this page as well.


These options allow you to remove some unnecessary elements from the screen during reviews. You can:

  • Hide the top and bottom bar during reviews.
  • Enable the "minimalist" mode, making the interface more compact/less fancy.
  • Reduce motion, to disable some transitions/animations.
  • Switching between native styling and the Anki theme (only on Mac/Linux).



Next day starts at
Controls when Anki should start showing the next day’s cards. The default setting of 4AM ensures that if you’re studying around midnight, you won’t have two days' worth of cards shown to you in one session. If you stay up very late or wake up very early, you may want to adjust this to a time you’re usually sleeping. Note that the start of the next day is relative to your current timezone. Also note that any cards that cross a day boundary will appear at the start of the day they are scheduled for, just like review cards do.

Learn ahead limit
Tells Anki how to behave when there is nothing left to study in the current deck but cards in learning. The default setting of 20 minutes tells Anki that cards should be shown early if they have a delay of less than 20 minutes and there’s nothing else to do. If you set this to 0, Anki will always wait the full delay, showing the congratulations screen until the remaining cards are ready to be reviewed.

Timebox time limit
Timeboxing is a technique to help you focus by dividing a longer activity (such as a 30 minute study session) into smaller blocks. If you set the timebox time limit to a non-zero number of minutes, Anki will periodically show you how many cards you’ve managed to study during the prescribed time limit.


Show play buttons on cards with audio
Whether a clickable (re)play button will be shown in the review screen for cards with audio.

Interrupt current audio when answering
Whether a currently playing audio file should be stopped when answering a card.

Show remaining card count
Disable this option to hide the card count at the bottom of the screen.

Show next review time above answer buttons
Useful to know how far in the future your cards are being pushed.

Spacebar (or enter) also answers card
Defines whether a press on the space bar (or the enter key) also answers cards.



Paste clipboard images as PNG
By default Anki pastes images on the clipboard as JPG files, to save disk space. You can use the option to paste as PNG images instead. PNG images support transparent backgrounds and are lossless, but they usually result in much larger file sizes.

Paste without Shift strips formatting
By default, formatting like bold and colors are kept when pasting, unless the Shift key is held down. This option reverses the behaviour.

Default deck
Controls how note types and decks interact. The default of "When adding, default to current deck" means that Anki saves the last-used note type for each deck and selects it again then next time you choose the deck (and, in addition, will start with the current deck selected when choosing Add from anywhere). The other option, "Change deck depending on note type," saves the last-used deck for each note type (and opens the add window to the last-used note type when you choose Add). This may be more convenient if you always use a single note type for each deck.

The last used deck/note type is updated when you add a card. If you change the deck and close the add window without adding a card, it won't be saved.


Default search text
Allows you to customize the starting search text in the browser (eg, to start with "deck:current").

Ignore accents in search (slower)
When enabled, simple text searches automatically ignore accents.


This tab contains options related to syncing with AnkiWeb.


Synchronize audio and images too
When enabled, media will also be synced with AnkiWeb.

Automatically sync on profile open/close
Disable this if you don't want an automatic sync with AnkiWeb when opening / closing a profile.

Periodically sync media

On next sync, force changes on one direction
When this option is enabled, the next sync will ask you whether you wish to upload or download. This is useful if you have made some changes accidentally, and wish to overwrite them with an older version that is on AnkiWeb.

AnkiWeb Account

When logged in, clicking on Log Out will log you out.

Self-hosted Sync Server

For info on the custom sync server option, see this section.


Please see this section of the manual.