Styling & HTML

Card Styling

You can watch a video about styling cards on YouTube. The video shows Anki 2.0’s interface, but the concepts are largely the same.

The styling section of the Cards screen can be accessed by clicking the "Styling" button next to the "Back Template" button. In that section, you can change the background color of the card, the default font, the text alignment, and so on.

The standard options available to you are:

The name of the font to use on the card. If your font has spaces in it like "MS Unicode", then you need to surround the font name in double quotes as in this sentence. It is also possible to use multiple fonts on one card; for information on that, please see below.

The size of the font in pixels. When changing it, make sure you leave px at the end.

Whether the text should be aligned in the center, left, or right.

The color of the text. Simple color names like 'blue', 'lightyellow', and so on will work, or you can use HTML color codes to select arbitrary colors. Please see this webpage for more information.

The color of the card background.

Any CSS can be placed in the styling section – advanced users may wish to do things like add a background image or gradient, for example. If you’re wondering how to get some particular formatting, please search the web for information about how to do it in CSS, as there is a great deal of documentation available.

The styling is shared between all cards, which means that when you make an adjustment it will affect all cards for that note type. It is also possible to specify card-specific styling, however. The following example will use a yellow background on all cards except the first one:

.card {
  background-color: yellow;
.card1 {
  background-color: blue;

Image Resizing

Anki shrinks images to fit the screen by default. You can change this by adding the following to the bottom of your styling section (outside of the default .card { ... }):

img {
  max-width: none;
  max-height: none;

AnkiDroid sometimes has trouble scaling images to fit the screen. Setting maximum image dimensions using css should fix this, but seems to be ignored as of AnkiDroid 2.9. A fix is to append !important to each style directive, for example:

img {
  max-width: 300px !important;
  max-height: 300px !important;

If you try to change the style for images and find that the star that appears on marked cards is affected (for instance, it becomes way too large), you can target it with the following:

img#star {

You can explore the styling of cards interactively by using Chrome:

Anki 2.1.50+ supports image resizing within the editor natively.

Field Styling

The default styling applies to the whole card. You can also make certain fields or part of the card use a different font, color, and so on. This is particularly important when studying foreign languages, as Anki will sometimes be unable to correctly display characters unless an appropriate font has been chosen.

Say you have an “Expression” field, and you want to give it the OSX Thai font “Ayuthaya”. Imagine your template already reads:

What is {{Expression}}?


What we need to do is wrap the text we want to style in some HTML. We will put the following in front of the text:

<div class=mystyle1>

And the following behind it:


By wrapping the text like the above, we tell Anki to style the wrapped text with a custom style called “mystyle1”, which we will create later.

Thus if we wanted the entire “What is …​?” expression to use the Thai font, we would use:

<div class=mystyle1>What is {{Expression}}?</div>


And if we wanted only the expression field itself to use the Thai font, we’d use:

What is <div class=mystyle1>{{Expression}}</div>?


After we’ve edited the template, we now need to move to the Styling section between the templates. Before editing it, it should look something like:

.card {
  font-family: arial;
  font-size: 20px;
  text-align: center;
  color: black;
  background-color: white;

Add your new style to the bottom, so it looks like:

.card {
  font-family: arial;
  font-size: 20px;
  text-align: center;
  color: black;
  background-color: white;

.mystyle1 {
  font-family: ayuthaya;

You can include any styling you want in the style. If you wanted to increase the font size too, you’d change the mystyle1 section to look like:

.mystyle1 {
  font-family: ayuthaya;
  font-size: 30px;

It’s also possible to bundle custom fonts with your deck, so you don’t need to install them on your computer or mobile device. Please see the installing fonts section for more info.

Audio Replay Buttons

When audio or text to speech is included on your cards, Anki will show buttons you can click on to replay the audio.

If you prefer not to see the buttons, you can hide them in the preferences screen.

You can customize their appearance in your card styling, for example, to make them smaller and colored, you could use the following:

.replay-button svg {
  width: 20px;
  height: 20px;
.replay-button svg circle {
  fill: blue;
.replay-button svg path {
  stroke: white;
  fill: green;

Text Direction

If you use a language that is written right-to-left, such as Arabic or Hebrew, you can add the CSS direction property to the .card section for correct display during review:

.card {
  direction: rtl;

This will change the direction of the entire card. You can change the direction of only certain fields by wrapping their references in some HTML:

<div dir="rtl">{{Front}}</div>

To change the direction of fields in the editor, please see the editing section.

Other HTML

Your templates can contain arbitrary HTML, which means that all the layout possibilities used on internet web pages can also be used on your cards. Things like tables, lists, images, links to external pages and so on are all supported. With tables for example, you could change the layout so that the front and back of a card appear on the left and right instead of the top and bottom.

Covering all of HTML’s features is outside the scope of this manual, but there are plenty of good introductory guides to HTML available on the web if you’d like to learn more.

Browser Appearance

If your card templates are complex, it may be difficult to read the question and answer columns (called "Front" and "Back") in the card list. The "browser appearance" option allows you to define a custom template to be used only in the browser, so you can include only the important fields and change the order if you desire. The syntax is the same as in standard card templates.

When using this option, if the text in the question column is repeated at the beginning of the answer column, Anki will display the text only in the question column. For example, if the question column text is "People in Ladakh speak", and the answer is "People in Ladakh speak Ladakhi", the answer column will only display "Ladakhi", omitting the rest.

Platform-Specific CSS

Anki defines some special CSS classes that allow you to define different styling for different platforms. The example below shows how to vary the font depending on where you’re reviewing:

/* Windows */
.win .example {
  font-family: "Example1";
/* macOS */
.mac .example {
  font-family: "Example2";
/* Linux desktops */
.linux:not(.android) .example {
  font-family: "Example3";
/* both Linux desktops, and Android devices */
.linux .example {
  font-family: "Example4";
/* both Android and iOS */
.mobile .example {
  font-family: "Example5";
/* iOS */
.iphone .example,
.ipad .example {
  font-family: "Example6";
/* Android */
.android .example {
  font-family: "Example7";

And in the template:

<div class="example">{{Field}}</div>

You can also use properties like .gecko, .opera, and .ie to select particular browsers when using AnkiWeb. Please see for a full list of options.

Installing Fonts

You can install fonts directly to Anki. This is useful if you’re using Anki on a work or school computer where you don’t have permission to install new fonts, or if you’re using Anki on a mobile device.

Anki supports the most widely used font formats, such as TrueType (.ttf), OpenType (.otf), Web Open Font Format (.woff) and others.

Add Font to Media Folder

Once you have downloaded a supported font, such as "Arial.ttf", you have to add it to the media folder.

  1. Rename the file, adding an underscore at the start, so it becomes like "_arial.ttf". Adding an underscore will tell Anki that this file will be used on a template, and should not be deleted when checking for unused media.

  2. In your computer’s file browser, go to your Anki Folder, and then a folder called "User 1" (or your profile name if you’ve renamed/added profiles).

  3. Inside the folder, you should see a folder called Drag the renamed file to that folder.

Update Template to Use That Font

After the font has been added to the media folder, you need to update the template.

  1. Click Add at the top of the main screen, and then select the note type you want to change with the top left button.

  2. Click Cards.

  3. In the styling section, add the following text to the bottom (after the last "}" character), replacing "_arial.ttf" with the name of the file you copied into your media folder:

@font-face {
  font-family: myfont;
  src: url("_arial.ttf");

Only change the "arial" part, not the "myfont" part.

After that, you can either change the font for the entire card, or for individual fields. To change the font for the entire card, simply locate the font-family: line in the .card section and change the font to "myfont". To change the font for only certain fields, please see the Field Styling instructions above.

Please make sure the filenames match exactly. If the file is called arial.TTF and you write arial.ttf in your card templates, it will not work.

Night Mode

You can customize the way templates appear when night mode is enabled in the preferences screen.

If you wanted a lighter grey background, you could use something like:

.card.nightMode {
  background-color: #555;

If you have a 'myclass' style, the following would show the text in yellow when night mode is enabled:

.nightMode .myclass {
  color: yellow;

Fading and Scrolling

Anki will automatically scroll to the answer by default. It looks for an HTML element with id=answer, and scrolls to that. You can place the id on a different element to adjust the scrolling position, or remove the id=answer to turn off scrolling.

The question side of a card fades in by default. If you wish to adjust this delay, you can place the following at the top of your front card template:

  qFade = 100;
  if (typeof anki !== "undefined") anki.qFade = qFade;

100 (milliseconds) is the default; set to 0 to disable fading.


As Anki cards are treated like webpages, it is possible to embed some Javascript on your cards via the card template. For a good reference please read this post in the forums.

Because Javascript is an advanced feature and so many things can go wrong, Javascript functionality is provided without any support or warranty. We can not provide any assistance with writing Javascript, and can not guarantee any code you have written will continue to work without modification in future Anki updates. If you are not comfortable addressing any issues you encounter on your own, then please avoid using Javascript.

Each Anki client may implement card display differently, so you will need to test the behaviour across platforms. A number of clients are implemented by keeping a long running webpage and dynamically updating parts of it as cards are reviewed, so your Javascript will need to update sections of the document using things like document.getElementById() rather than doing things like document.write().

Functions like window.alert may not be available. Anki will write javascript errors to the terminal, so you'll need to view the console to see them. To debug issues with JavaScript, you can use Chrome's inspector.