Getting help

Asking good questions

With the exception of AnkiMobile, Anki and its support is provided free of charge, by people who generously volunteer their time. Please bear this in mind when posting - if you are rude and demanding, or have made no effort to solve the problem on your own, people are less likely to want to help you.

Please start by trying to resolve the issue on your own:

  • Read the getting started section of the manual, and check out the intro videos.
  • If you've encountered a bug, please follow these steps.
  • Use the search button on this page to search frequently asked questions.
  • Use the search button in the manual.
  • Use the search button on the forums.
  • Google the issue.

If you have tried the above and are still stuck, it's time to ask for help. When writing a post, please explain the problem you are having clearly, and in detail.

Please avoid vague questions like:

"My Anki doesn't work, what should I do?"

Instead, please provide as much detail as you can. For example:

"When I double-click on the Anki icon, an error message pops up. I tried searching for the error on Google, but couldn't find anything useful. I have copied and pasted the error message to the bottom of my post. I followed the steps on the 'When problems occur' page, but the error message does not go away. What should I do?"

This is a much better question. It tells us:

  • What you have tried.
  • What steps you are taking when the problem happens.
  • What problems/errors you are getting when things go wrong.

Knowing these things makes it much easier to answer your question.

The user forums use a different login to AnkiWeb, so please create an account there if it's your first time.

Anki Desktop (the computer version) and AnkiWeb

After reading the above section, please post on the user forums for assistance.

The user forums use a different login to AnkiWeb, so please create an account there if it's your first time.

AnkiDroid (Android devices)

Please see AnkiDroid's support page.

AnkiMobile (iPhone/iPad)

Please see AnkiMobile's support page.

Private questions

For security reports and business enquiries, you can post a private ticket here. If you have a question about Anki, AnkiWeb or AnkiDroid, please use the user forums instead.